Shopaholic's World

Friday, January 14, 2011

Bangs - Always and Everywhere

Bangs are always and everywhere is the motto of many women, precisely because they are always in fashion and give a touch of freshness and bounce to your hair and hairstyle. But as with other hairstyles, one should bear in mind that there are many forms of bangs,and the different variations of bangs,so it is advisable to inform yourself before you cut them.

Bangs are never out of fashion. They are always returned back, and the red carpet is always full of them. Some of the most famous beauties have bangs become almost a trademark of Kim Kardashian, Halle Berry, Penelope Cruz, Katie Holmes, JessicaAlba ... I guess that tells you enough ..

The question that we're asking is: how to adjust, to the left or right, or center, or abounding.
Bangs really agree with every hair, as the short and the long hair and the bob hairstyle, or a simple fishbone. However, there are a few rules: the ladies with a round face the best fit to put more bangs to the side, never short of one. Those with a square face fitbest bangs that fall to just below the eyebrows because it will make your face such aseductive and sensual. If your face is oval, you're lucky. You can play all kinds of bangs,each bangs will look great on you. If you have a heart-face, try an asymmetrical bangs,they will distract attention from the high forehead, and highlight your eyes. And another very important rule - on the bangs must be cared for, that is, must be shortened once a month.

So, if you want some sort of change, why do not you decide on bangs because they are precisely the largest and most secure change that will refresh and be nicer to your look.

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